domingo, marzo 23, 2008

Aurora boreal en Júpiter

En la sección de ciencia del NYT, nos ofrecen esta imagen que viene a demostrar como los campos magnéticos de los polos de Júpiter generan una luminosidad similar a la que en los polos terrestres representa la aurora boreal.

Jupiter's other spots. Charged particles traveling in Jupiter's magnetic fields generate an auroral light show, just like northern (and southern) lights in Earth's polar regions. Io, a Jupiter moon, actually generates its own bright spot on Jupiter, shown with an arrow in this ultraviolet image taken by the Hubble space telescope. The light comes from charged particles originating from Io's volcanoes. Now teams of scientists from Belgium and Germany have discovered a fainter dot, also produced by Io, that had not been predicted, seen to the left of the arrowed dot.

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