After 232 long, desolate, morose, but somewhat days of tranquility into deployment, I’ve decided that I should start writing some of the things I experienced here in Iraq. I have to say that the events that I have encountered here have changed my outlook on life...
The most recent mission started out as a 24-36 hour air-assault sniper mission in a known al-Qaida stronghold just north of Baghdad. We landed a few hours before daybreak and as soon as I got off the helicopter my night vision broke, I was surrounded by the sound of artillery rounds, people screaming in Arabic, automatic weapons, and the terrain didn’t look anything like what we were briefed. I knew it was going to be a bad day and a half.
Jerry Ryen King, journal entry, March 7, 2007
Jerry Ryen viene a explicar la poca seguridad que en su misión están soportando los militares estadounidenses, si bien no es menos cierto que el establishment norteamericano y el Pentágono estaba deseando mandarlos allí. Luchad por banderas que luego ellas cubrirán vuestros ataudes. Es algo paradójico.
Ante esto, la desolación y muerte. Cuando se percatarán de que la guerra sólo trae agonía, sangre gratuita y odio... eterno.
La guerra, uno de los jinetes que se escapó del apocalipsis antes de que San Juan lo escribiese....Ha cabalgado por la tierra tantos años que las herraduras de su caballo están ya planas....